Steve Mielke is a researcher and educator in the Austin, Texas area. He is a former programmer and analyst at NASA, NASA Postdoctoral Program fellow, NIH National Research Service Award recipient, and AAAS Mass Media fellow.
Professional Certifications and Specializations
• Machine Learning
• IBM Data Science
• Deep Learning
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SP Mielke. Extracting meaningful models directly from data: a review of machine-learning approaches to data-driven equation discovery. In preparation.
(See Repository for selected project files.)
SP Mielke and VV Krishnan (2008) Characterization of protein secondary structure from NMR chemical shifts. Progress in NMR Spectroscopy 54, 141–165.
SP Mielke and VV Krishnan (2005) Estimation of protein secondary structure content directly from NMR spectra using an improved empirical correlation with averaged chemical shift. Journal of Structural and Functional Genomics 6, 281–285.
SP Mielke and VV Krishnan (2004) An evaluation of chemical shift index-based secondary structure determination in proteins: Influence of random coil chemical shifts. Journal of Biomolecular NMR 30, 143–153.
SP Mielke and VV Krishnan (2003) Chemical shift-based identification of protein structural classes. Biophysical Journal 84, 460A. (Abstract)
(See Repository for selected project files.)
SP Mielke, CJ Benham, and N Grønbech-Jensen (2009) Persistence lengths of DNA obtained from Brownian dynamics simulations. Journal of Physical Chemistry A 113, 4213–4216.
H Tanaka, SP Mielke, CJ Benham, T Kawai (2008) Visualization of the detailed structure of plasmid DNA. Journal of Physical Chemistry B 112, 16788–16792.
SP Mielke and CJ Benham (2007) Brownian dynamics of superhelical DNA. Journal of Biomolecular Structure and Dynamics 24, 736–737. (Abstract)
SP Mielke (2006) Computational approaches to the structure and dynamics of biomolecules. UC Davis, dissertation.
SP Mielke and VV Krishnan (2006) Superhelical denaturation of DNA: A theoretical perspective. Research Trends: Trends in Chemical Physics 13, 29–40.
CJ Benham and SP Mielke (2005) DNA mechanics. Annual Review of Biomedical Engineering 7, 21–53.
SP Mielke, CJ Benham, N Grønbech-Jensen, WH Fink, and VV Krishnan (2004) A dynamic model of localized denaturation in superhelical, closed-circular DNA. Biophysical Journal 86, 415A. (Abstract)
SP Mielke (2000) A nonlinear least-squares fitting program for atomic energy parameters along the argon isoelectronic sequence. U Toledo, thesis.